
8 years ago

Edison PTA E-mail:

Edison PTA Officers 2013-14:

President: Christine Horton

Vice President: Barb Kohlman

Treasurer: Jill Wald  

Secretary: Angela Peterson

Principal: Joy Walker
Committee Chairs 2013-14:
Art Appreciation: 
Big G Box Tops: Heather Kippen
Birthday Book Club: Barb Kohlman
Book Fair: Christine Horton
Campbell Soup Labels: 
Family Fun Night: Nicole Schnaible
Hospitality: Cindy Weltz
Membership: Deb Hoffarth
Yearbook: Angela Peterson
Recognition: Chris Pettersen
Rise: Jody Demars

Meeting Schedule

Meetings will be held the first Monday of every month. All Meetings held at 6:30 pm in the School Library! These meetings are open to everyone! Your input would be welcome and appreciated. March 3, 2014 April 7, 2014 May 5, 2014

PLEASE SIGN UP FOR A SHIFT AT FUN NIGHT!!!! Edison Fun Night 2014: April 4, 2014